......Spotting/bleeding and side pain this morning, even despite having a darker test...Those, combined with low betas for the DPO and super low progesterone...I already know what that means... Another damn ectopic ....I mean really!? I have to have one more beta to confirm with a P4 on sat- But with the bleeding and my history of the two previous ectopics which presented much like this one, it looks like I am in for another round of methotrexate...Ugh...I am so tired and worn from all of this...Just when I don't think I can take much more, Life throws another pile of crap my way... Oh and I got a "nice email" from Braverman's office informing me I will no longer receive care from them unless I pay a 2000 first trimester monitoring fee....For a pregnancy that isnt even viable!!??? I shot back a semi peeved mail about it, and then Judy ( the financial lady) CALLED me to tell me they are pulling all my RX's and wont read my lab work!!?? Braverman didnt even hav...