I have my Follow up skype consult with Braverman today, at noon. I am anxious to hear what he has to say in regards to the labs they ran when I had my office visit....Wondering if it changes the game plan at all...I Guess I will find out soon!
I got a message back from Dr.B's nurse about my monitoring I had done wed- They want me to go back on Tuesday for one more scan/blood work. We will see how things are when we get to that point I guess...He was concerned with the Low E2- I have had this happen in all my other femara cycles as well, where my E2 is soooo low, but my follicles keep growing etc- and even when they get mature the E2 is less than it normally would be with say, injects or whatever...Anyway...I have always been told having the low E2 with femara was normal, but I plan to pick Dr. B's brain about it later today just to see what he has to say...
I am starting to feel nervous about this...I feel like this is not as well planned as I would have liked...I really wanted 30+ days gluten free before cycling, lose some weight etc, etc...Because the money came so fast, and DH and I were so excited to have a REAL chance, We decided to just go ahead this month, and now I am second guessing myself...Also feeling guilty for spending the money...We could use it on sooooo many other things, and the thought of the money just going down the drain if we don't get a sticky just kills me inside...Not to mention, I was informed YESTERDAY, that I won't get any more neupogen RX's until I get a + beta, and pay the first trimester monitoring fee....I need to KNOW my new insurance will cover the meds , so I am not just left to miscarry, because I cannot get the meds I need due to cost or other factors....I need to have this info all nailed down....
SO many Fee's and I am wondering how much of this is just to put money in their pockets...I am starting to feel like a cash cow and not so much of a patient...I dunno...Maybe I am just hormonal...I just feel so, "ugh"...
I will update later after my follow up appt....
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