I must be getting antsy from the ever so close '30th Birthday'.///It could have to do with being stuck in limbo too, in almost every aspect of life..lol...None the less, I have this sudden urge to lose massive amounts of weight and get my sexy back...(About to do a 21 day beach body challenge program!)....Hopefully in a month, I will be down a few more pounds and fitting into some of my old pants that have been stuck away for years!
I went Color crazy with my hair...
I went Color crazy with my hair...
I re did my nose piercing!
I had it done about 11/`12 years ago, but took it out for a work shift and it never went back in...I was soooooo sad...So, I got it done again!
Hubby thinks I am inching myself into a early 'mid life crisis', because the "baby" plan didn't work out...I laughed...He COULD be partly right, but, I have always been a bit edgy and crazy, lol... I just have put every aspect of my life on hold for the last 4 years, trying to will something to happen that was never in my control, I lost some of my edge...I have lost so many pieces of me...::sigh:: I know doing all of this wont bring back those broken parts, and missing pieces....BUT, It feels pretty good to do all of these things with not a second thought about if it will "affect my cycle or TTC or pregnancy"...
Anyway, not much else to report...
Oh wait...The meds I started the other day, already have made a small difference in the way I feel throughout the day! I have to admit, I cringed when the DR said "beta blocker". but honestly, I feel a difference! So that is a plus, and it helps get me motivated to want to start working out a bit (gotta work my endurance up)../Other than that, just waiting on the House selling /Job thing to sort itself out.
Hopefully we are out of here by the end of May...
Glad you are feeling a difference from your new meds. The hair looks fab and doing nice things for yourself is definitely deserved. Have fun with your fitness challenge. You are such a young spring chicken my friend! Oh, to be only 29!