I would be lying if I said I was not a little excited today. I had 3 days of + OPK's, and EWCM that stretched 10 inches in abundance! I have not seen CM like that in years! I was totally stoked too, since this is my all natural cycle, after 5 medicated cycles. Last few months my CM has been horrendous, even on the femara(like clomid, but is supposed to not dry you out or thin lining).I also just feel really "off". Of course at 2 dpo, I know that's progesterone and not a pregnancy hormones, but I always do feel a little strange in my BFP cycles reallllly early on...I really HOPE this is OUR cycle! It would be awesome to get a + test on our One year TTC date, and have it be our take home baby..And then the last 7 losses comes to mind, and I find it hard. Hard to be excited or get invested. I want this SOOOOOOO bad...My heart just keeps aching every time I see a new baby, or a belly...I want it to be OUR turn!....
Come on little Rainbow baby... we are ready for you!!
Come on little Rainbow baby... we are ready for you!!
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