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Showing posts from December, 2014

I am sacred...

The sacred project film.... I have seen this floating around the loss community the last few days, and unfortunately I did not get our babies names (there are too many anyway) in the film, but I know many close to me, who did, and when I sat to watch this, I was so moved with emotion, I wept at first...What I saw was not grief, so they were not tears of despair, but, on the contrary....Tears of release, and JOY....I saw women embracing what happened to them , but, rising from the ashes and learning there is beauty in these ashes, and  in what we have experienced, and there is no shame....we are NOT broken...we are SACRED.... I started to realize, I can stop loathing my body, and embrace what it is, what it was and what it will always remain as...A sacred place where my babies...ALL of them....My earth babies or my heaven angels...They all felt LOVE...                                I am a s...