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Hannah"s story...

I guess you could say, this is where my journey really began leading up to today...
It was because of this event, that I chose to ties my tubes, that gave me Post tubal issues, that sent me searching for a reversal, that landed me here, now 1 year later, and 7 losses later..

April 28th 2008……
So I started out my day like any other.. though I was  having some emotional issues with it being the 4 year anniversary of my father’s passing.  I tried to peel my eyes open and get the kids up and ready from school, sipping on a cup of coffee trying to revive after a  glass of wine the night before that had too many sulfites in it and have me the YUCK feeling…ugh.. usually I don’t get a bottle like that.. but… maybe that’s not all it was..??
My mom called me later on that AM to tell me my brother and his  girl were having another little baby, and I was sooo excited!!!  Talking to my mom  jokingly I said “  better her than me!!”  my mom knew I was joking.. cause we were sort of  preventing. We had a lot on our minds... there was a possibility of moving to a different state with my husbands company, and issues with my Hubby's ex etc.   So later that that I get a  appt reminder call , and im writing a date on the calendar to confirm... And I see the date …It hit me! Even though I knew it was the 28th I didn’t really KNOW it was the 28th...which meant I was a little "late"…hmmmmmm I thought to myself. “ gosh I hope I don’t eat my words!!! And end up preg!” I pondered it all day… and kept saying to my self  “ we were so careful… there is NO way!!”… but none the less I called  darling husband of mine to tell make a stop to “CVS” for that that I needed.... you know… one of those things… he was like “ really???? You think???” I said "no not really but I wanna make sure"…

so he came home that night with a CVS brand 3 pack..(smart man… he knew id test more than once and have him back out for another if he didn’t get a 3 pack..LOL) After dinner I  decided to pee on a stick.. I walked away for 3 mins.. so I didn’t just stare and make believe I saw a line there after 30…and I came back to a test…. A test with… 2 lines!!!!!!????????? No frikkin way!!!!!!!!! This cant be happening… we both were shocked… then came…. The thinking time… we both just thought and thought… of all the possibilities… was it a girl… a boy??? Oh man…. What now…

we started to get excited.. and I had my Dr’s appt… and got an ultrasound.. and things were good.. Though I had a nagging feeling that I was going to start bleeding any day.. and  it would be over… but the first trimester passed and little  baby girl kept hanging on in there.. I also had a few more ultrasounds and all was perfect…and I was getting a belly!!! I got to feel her move and see her grow..

I was on my Baby center boards.. I was due January 4th… interestingly enough, that was also my fathers birthday. I found out  on the 4 year anniversary of his death. Odd…. And  even stranger, I kept on with the same due date with each ultrasound I would get… hmmm……we were counting down days till the BIG ultrasound when we would find out if we were having a boy or girl.. though I KNEW it was a girl and had a u/s prior that indicated she was a girl at 15 weeks and again at 18.3 weeks, just a few days before she passed, all was normal!.... I had a feeling and I was right each time with my other kids also…I  had many dreams…I was soo excited… Though I still had this fear. This fear my dream of having this little one was going to go away…  I dreaded the 12 week scan for nural tube defects.. but all came back fine! (yay!) still I had this fear.. I even got prayer for it.. . several was over taking me . But week by week I began to get happier and happier and the anxiety faded some.. still was there but had faded…and I got bigger and bigger! I could feel her moving even more!! It was  just awesome...

August 5th 2008
The big day….. it was our ultrasound day… jared had taken the day off and auntie was  gonna take the kids to the park while we went in the office...we get in there, wait a few mins, and hurry back to the room...  I quickly  pull down my pants and get prepped for the u/s… as I take the last swig of my OJ.. I was trying to wake up my little one I hadn’t felt her move a lot.. and I didn’t want the legs crossed!  The tech slathers on some gel and begins to scan... I was watching the screen… She started clicking and taking measurements.. and I asked jared if he could se ok.. he said yes.. and we both looked… and then as soon as I could see anything viseable.. she looks at me and grabs my hand…. And says… im sorry… your baby has passed on.. I cannot find a heart beat…. ( what!!!!!!!!????????? Are you kidding me?????? Is this some sick joke!???? A dream????????? No way!!!!!!!!) she said she would go get a dr to confirm…. And  there is was plain as day.. a 4 chamber heart.. perfect in every way… but not beating.. not moving… no blood flow nothing…. The baby had passed on…. I was in shock I couldn’t even cry… I could not believe it was real.. that this was MY life!!??? It wasn’t possible! But it was… and I cried…. Jared and I prayed right there in the room.. and told God not matter what the outcome.. we would STILL PRAISE HIM…. And we tried to pull ourselves together and walk out after being given our options as to what to do next… nothing was an option though… having my baby die was not an option…  laboring….. surgery?? Those were my options!!!!? I  just wanted my baby back and  living and moving inside my belly… and I knew.. it wasn’t going to happen… Not that I didn’t  trust god could do a miracle.. cause im living proof he can. But I knew.. it was not  right… and there must have been a problem with my little angel… and I had to walk out of that building with a dead baby inside of me… the hardest thing I ever had to do… and I had to face everyone who  was waiting for a call to confirm it was a baby girl!!  I had to tell them I was a dead baby… we were having a dead baby…????......

 I cried a lot… but  mostly just had anxiety.. what should I do??? How should I do this… I opted for surgery ….I couldn’t bare to see my little angel  come out of me.. and associate that with the beautiful births of my other two children…or future children... I just couldn’t do it at that time.… so I was put in the book for the next day at 12 PM….

That night I had the hardest time sleeping… Holding my belly with my dead baby in me.. and knowing this would be the last time I would be able to “hold” my angel…
I woke up the next day in a daze and quickly popped a xanex… so I could even make it to get ready without breaking down and being a totally wreck… Not that it would have been terrible if I did… I just knew I would make it worse than it already was… we went into that hospital and I checked in… I cried all the way while walking down the hall to get in my gown.. and to get  admitted. The girl in front of me not knowing why, or what was wrong… But knew something was wrong…  I just cried… not talking… I just nodded my head stuck on my gown and tried to breathe. …. I got a headache from holding in the tears…AND finally jared was able to come back while I waited… I was contracting… and I was going back in forth in my head… labor…OR surgery?? Oh man… what was I gonna do.. but I already opted for sugury…. I  could back out… but I cant…. I know I cant… but I felt the pain of the contractions… and it was like a piece of me was being ripped out  each time… and I was scared…I could not see my baby girl...I just could not do it...I wanted to keep the image of her in my mind of what she would have been like alive and well, not  the image of my dead baby...they shot me up with some morphine… and then the Dr’s came in…. put a blue headcap on me and wheeled me away…. I tried to breathe but couldn’t… they  gave me some oxygen on the table after I moved over.. I was so uptight my heart rate went down…. And… then…. Lights out… I was down under… and it would all be over in 20 mins….

I woke up… in a daze.. But hurting from the breathing tube they had stuck in me and removed before I awoke….. I asked for pain meds… and then the Dr came over… she said it all went well.. And that the nurse on hand was able to get me footprints ! They were so precious..
(I asked before and they said they couldn’t do that… ) I WAS SO HAPPY.. BUT YET SAD TOO… and she said she was going to go tell my husband  I was ok and let him know I was out… I sat there for a bit… I reached down and moved my IV tubes and felt my belly… it was gone… I had no belly, no baby… nothing but pain… in every way possible.. Pain… I tried to sleep it off.. Maybe I would wake up and it would all be over.. But it wouldn’t... and I woke… and there was the nurses.. With their sad faces…  awkward  and confused… what would they say… what do you do for someone in a situation like that..  They deal with trauma all the time.. Yet.. It was different….. What do you say?? Nothing makes it ok. now... here i am... ONE of those ladies… a lady who has lost a baby…. Not just a baby that was the size of a sesame seed. not that it makes it any easier to loose a child at any stage.. But a baby I felt kicking in me… growing inside of my body… and it was gone…

I got myself set with pain  meds.. And they started my discharge crap… and I was on my way out the door. But I would not be walking out of there the same person who walked in just 5 hours before…I would forever be changed. I steadied myself and sat in the wheel chair… they were gonna wheel me out like they did after I had my darling son a little over two years ago… though I had no baby… nothing to show for but a broken heart. I got to the front doors… and  I had this terrible feeling come over me… I looked down at the papers… the papers that had my little girls foot prints on them… soooo tiny… but perfect in every way… each little  toe… with  the smallest detail.. Right in the perfect place… and I knew… and felt it… it was over… and I just couldn’t believe this was my life… now I have had a lot happen in my time… and a lot of heartache and issues… but this was  hard… really hard… MY baby…. OUR child had passed on.. And yet I knew she was in a better place.. It was still so hard.. I wanted her with me.. In my belly growing and kicking.  The next few days were like a daze…but with each passing day it got easier and easier.. I found comfort in little things… having my husband home… having a church family there for us.. That brought us meals and just prayed for us like there was no tomorrow… for that I am sooo greatful I have never felt more loved. Even though there was nothing anyone could say… just BEING there made it  a little better… and I had peace.. I was not mad at God… after all I knew God was  sad over my pain.. And didn’t want me to feel that way.. But HE new what was best.. What if that baby had lived to term,.. And had a severe mental retardation??? I could not  live with that… I would be heart broken everyday that I couldn’t “fix” it… and make it all  better.. There were so many what if’s… but at the end of the day I knew… that we live in a fallen world.. And bad things happen to GOOD people… because  our world is corupt.. And the foods we eat are toxic and the air we breathe is bad for us… ect ect… sometimes things just happen… it wasn’t God’s will… it wasn’t  this or that… I just happened.. And I could live with that.. Just because I KNEW my baby girl was in the arms of our father.. And dancing around with my grandma and my father and everyone else I know is up there…
I also… KNOW that I will overcome this hurt.. And each day I know… that the hurt I had  is turning into happy memories.. At least I had the chance to have her in my belly as long as I did.. And I got to give her life.. And God got to give her a spirit…. A spirit that lives on to this day and is in a better place and ill get to meet my wonderful baby one day… and untill then I know she knows how much I LOVE her… and that even though she is not alive to impact my life  each day… she has forever made an imprint on my heart.. And I will carry it with my always… I hope to with my experience help others too… if I can give just ONE person that much needed comfort of “I KNOW what its like” and can really know  what its like…I will be satisfied.. After all.. My story.. And my life is an open book… it would be worth nothing if I was closed up and  never let anyone in… thought my hurt and pain is still there.. I am ok with being vunerable and open…and let my life and hurt, and happiness and pain, and joy make in impact on someone else.. I will  probably blog on this again at one point in time or another… as there is so much to tell.. And to say about all that has occoured since  the loss of our baby… but for now.. I am going to leave it at this…
I will always LOVE you my baby….you are forever in mommy and daddy’s hearts….. We miss you..


  1. Ur post made me tear up! That while a heart breaking story is so beautiful!!!!! I'm greatful that I was able 2 read this @ this moment!!!!! Thank u so much for sharing!


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